Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hello C#

I made a lot of progress in my 3d sidescroller but I've decided to drop it (who saw that coming? I did) to learn C#. Why? C# + XNA = 360 games. This doesn't mean I'm totally throwing away the couple hundred hours of coding I've invested in my sidescroller. I'm just going back to my 2d version because I see it as less work.

Friday, April 24, 2009

I'm still here!

If anyones wondering... I'm still here and I'm still umm... diligently(?)... programming.

I've actually been coding little bits and a time so progress is slow. But right now I have a somewhat working version of a 3d sidscroller. It's still far from being usable, so I won't bother putting up the code unless someone really wants to see it for some odd reason. One thing I just want to point out is that the class which I first embraced.... is slowly starting to bite me in the ass. Replacing it will suck donkey balls but I'll have to sooner or later.

Couple other things. Although no one's really shown much interest, I wouldn't mind working on a SSB rpg (2d) or any other rpg if anyone else wants to help make it. Story, animating, blah blah blah. Email me if you have any interest.

Btw, theres 36 people out there with my 2d sidescroller source. Any of you 36 finding it useful in any way?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Haven't done much yet...

Been busy helping a friend out with his business making deliveries and what not. Yes I'm a delivery boy every once in a while making that sweet delivery boy money.

Although I haven't been physically programming, I have been running ideas constantly through my head. Hopefully by tomorrow I can type it all up and I'll have a mostly functional 3d sidescroller.

Btw, lots of people downloaded my source code... just wondering if it's useful or not. I've been getting a good amount of traffic so I know people are reading. Now hurry up and comment! lol

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Side Scroller Source

Hey, Halldor... verslo's stupid spam filter is saying my emails are considered spam... so you and everyone else can grab my source code here. BTW, my 3d sidescroller isnt too different from my 2d sidescroller, just a bunch of minor changes. I'll post the 3d source if and when I'm ready.

Keep in mind there are still a lot of bugs I havent gotten to yet. These will be dealt with in the 3d version first, and then maybe the 2d version.


Also, if your going to use my source in any way, do me a favor and click the google ad on the right middle column and make me some chump change. No joke... it adds up. It registeres up to 5 clicks per IP I think

Thursday, April 2, 2009

temporarily dropped...

Maybe it's cause im half brain dead right now... but I've decided to drop everything to convert my flat sidescroller more "3d" or whatever the freakin things called. It's still a sidescroller, but with "depth?"... or whatever. Think of double dragon... yes double dragon. I cant think of any other example right now cause I haven't slept for a while.

Well, what this means is that I will have to rework the graphics, collision detection, movement.. blah blah blah.... more details later.

As for my original sidescroller, it's good to go for the most part. No Ai but like many games, you really dont need it. As it is, they are mindless drones that attack, which is good enough for many games. If you wish to see/use the my source code, just ask.


OMFG 3D collision detection is a f*cking pain in the ass